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EMES is a research network of university research centers and individual researchers, pluralistic in disciplines and methodologies, around “SE” concepts:

Social Enterprise | Social Economy | Solidarity Economy | Social Entrepreneurship | Social Innovation

This unique body of knowledge aims to be pluralistic in disciplines and methodologies while it continues to grow both theoretically and empirically.

EMES takes its name from the French title of its first research project, “L’EMergence de l’Entreprise Sociale en Europe” (The emergence of social enterprises in Europe) completed between 1996 and 2000. Formally established as a non-profit association (ASBL under Belgian law) in 2002 EMES was originally composed of European university research centers and individual researchers. After many years of collaborative research and projects jointly conducted with researchers from other regions, EMES decided in 2013 to open its membership to researchers from around the world.

    Contact information
    President: Francesca Petrella, Professor of Economics at Aix-Marseille University in France and a researcher at the Institute of Labor Economics and Industrial Sociology (LEST)
    Managing director: Rocío Nogales
    E- mail: rocio.nogales@emes.net

    More infowww.emes.net

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